有時有無聊,會上司法機構website 下載一D案件判詞轉做 EPUB 檔案再抄落 e-reader 當書咁睇。最近《正義迴廊》引起不少討論,於是就下載了法官判刑的 transcript (HCCC 376/2013)來看看。
現時市面上好多討論都懷疑第二被告肥仔其實有份殺人,法官Stuart – Moore 如是說:
This jury has unanimously found you not guilty of murder, all nine of them, and I do not often make a comment about a jury’s verdict because it is not my place to do so, but if anyone suggests you were guilty of murder and got away with it, you just tell them that the judge also agreed with the verdict of the jury. I am absolutely in no doubt whatsoever that the verdict is correct. Of course, there was some evidence for the jury to consider and they have done so with the verdict you know about.
(另外一D 有趣細節: 原來這件案由法官到控辯雙方三位律師都係鬼佬,兩位鬼佬辯護律師都係由法援署委派,同埋原來兩名被告係分開兩日宣判的; 另外,肥仔被判可以即埸獲釋後點樣離開法庭,法官同律師都討論咗一陣,呢D細位真係幾有趣!)
如果有興趣可以在此下載整份 transcript 細閱: